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TDHI Division

TDHI Divisions and partners

TDHI Real Estate is a division of TDHI International. We are not real estate agents; we are an advisor in the real estate sector. We provide a complete service of assistance in the sale, purchase, property search, legal, fiscal, administrative assistance, and real estate assets management.

In addition to all this, we provide a whole series of services that complete any real estate project: we have been producing custom furniture since 1960. We can furnish and set up any real estate project in any part of the world and any size.

Do you know another interlocutor who can give you from the search of the property to the delivery ready for use, whether this property is an industrial warehouse with its offices, a ministry or a manor up to the building, passing through, SPA, resort hotel etc.? No in the world there is only TDHI international.

Having a single advisor perhaps alongside your company will allow you not to waste time, to reduce the problems between the various companies involved in a real estate project by reducing risks, times and costs.

TDHI Padaliniai ir Partneriai

TDHI Real Estate yra TDHI International padalinys. Mes nesame nekilnojamo turto brokeriai, mes esame nekilnojamo turto srities patarėjai. Mes galime suteikti visapusišką pagalbą NT pardavimo, įsigijimo, paieškos, teisės, finansų ir turto valdymo srityse.

Papildomai disponuojame pilnu paslaugų paketu reikalingu užbaigiant bet kokį NT įrengimo projektą: gaminame specialius baldus nuo 1960 metų. Galime įrengti ir apibaltinti bet kokį NT projektą, nesvarbu kurioje šalyje ir nesvarbu kokio dydžio yra pats projektas.

Ar pažystate dar kažką kas gali Jums padėti nuo NT paieškos iki galutinio įrengimo, nesvarbu ar tai bus gamybinės patalpos, sandėliai, ofisai, ministerijos, dvarai, SPA, Ho.Re.Ca objektai ir t.t.? Manome, kad ne. Nes pasaulyje esame tik mes – TDHI International.

Tūrėdami vieną patarėją visais klausimais galėsite negaišti laiko, eliminuoti problemas kylančias bendradarbiaujant su daug skirtingų įmonių dalyvaujančių projekte, bei sumažinti kaštus, vėlavimus ir kitas rizikas.

What you are looking for, we have it, or we do it

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  Events RE Content    RE Fundraising    Creative Initiatives For new project   Furniture     Set up    HO.RE.CA    Tender    Investors    Infrastructure development 

TDHI  Sector Divisions

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TDHI Technical partners

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Special partners

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 One of the characteristics that make TDHI International special is that it is unique. Also in our sector, we are special, as we can offer very prestigious services to a very selective clientele.

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